Save everything at home. Access it anywhere.
Personal cloud storage in one place
Backup photos, videos and files from your external drives, USBs, mobile devices, computers and cloud accounts while saving it in one place.
Automatically backup your files
Wirelessly back up your devices. The My Cloud™ Home works seamlessly with Windows® Backup, Time Machine and your phone’s camera roll..
Organize and easily find
Search by date, time or keyword to quickly find your favorite memories and create photo albums or folders.
Anywhere Access
Remotely access all your files on your My Cloud™ Home from anywhere you have internet.
Share and Collaborate
Invite your family and friends to collaborate on folders and albums. Share photos, videos, documents and more. Perfect for vacations, work and school.
Individual, private spaces for each user
Everyone added to your device can set up their own private space that only they have access to. They have full control over how they manage, access and share their files.