Video tracking shot
Extremely precise and fluid tracking shots with the opportunity to manage speed, direction, acceleration and slowing-down.
It is possible to realize terrific syncronized tracking shots that can automatically end at the track end (Sync), detour in an endless movement (Loop) or keep shooting once having reached the track end (No Stop).
Time lapse
Motion Control uses SMS (Shoot Move Shoot) Technology that allows you to synchronise the motion of the carriage with the DSLR’s shutter release. This feature allows you to use any exposure time, without having to worry about blurry images
The integrated intervalometer lets you set the pause between each position change from one second to 99 hours in one-second intervals.
Two motors
Two interchangeable motors of 55 R.P.M. and 09 R.P.M. are included You can easily switch between them, satisfying your professional needs.
The two electronic end-stops block the carriage at the end of the rail or in case an obstacle is placed along the carriage while shooting (safety mode).