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Anamorphic lenses are a type of lens that can create a unique look in movies. They’re used to create a widescreen image that has a distinctive look with horizontal lens flares and oval-shaped bokeh. They’re often used in movies to create a cinematic look that’s different from what you’d see in real life.

Anamorphic lenses work by squeezing the image horizontally onto the film or sensor. This creates an image that’s wider than it is tall. When the movie is projected, the image is unsqueezed to create the widescreen look. This process can create some distortion in the image, which can be corrected in post-production.

One of the most famous uses of anamorphic lenses is in the Star Wars movies. The original trilogy was shot using anamorphic lenses, which helped to create the distinctive look of those movies. Anamorphic lenses have also been used in other movies such as Blade Runner and The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Anamorphic lenses are available in different focal lengths and aspect ratios. They’re often more expensive than other types of lenses because they’re more complex to manufacture. They’re also heavier and larger than other types of lenses, which can make them more difficult to use on set.

In conclusion, anamorphic lenses are a type of lens that can create a unique look in movies. They’re used to create a widescreen image that has a distinctive look with horizontal lens flares and oval-shaped bokeh. They’re often more expensive than other types of lenses because they’re more complex to manufacture and are heavier and larger than other types of lenses.

Squeeze factor is essentially the ratio of horizontal to vertical information captured by an anamorphic lens. Cooke’s 1.8x Anamorphics contains 1.8 times more horizontal information in its image, which is less horizontal information than the 2x squeeze. This results in the 1.8x anamorphic having an image with more breath.